Monday, June 22, 2009

Jr. High CDYC Day 3

Today was a day defined by Sports. We were busy from the time we left lunch until we sat down to eat supper. We were running back and forth from volleyball to soccer. Our students really improved in thier volleyball skills and had a great time playing, they showed great sportsmanship to one another as well as to the opposing teams. They were a great example to all who were watching! Also today Michaela and Hannah Carteau played on a free agent team in the tournament bracket of girls soccer. This is the most competitive bracket for girls soccer here at CDYC and none of the girls had ever met some of thier teamates so you know how well a team like that usually plays, well to cut to the chase a big congratulations to both of the girls because they both received 1st place medals because THEY WON! We are so proud of them for that, but also for the volleyball team and the way they played.
As for our sessions today they continue to build to this climax and we are getting close, today it was a great challenge on loving. Tonight we talked in our small groups about why it is important to love one another, and why it is important to love mom and dad, and why it is important to love brothers and sisters. I believe the girls, and Josh were really challenged to look at how they treat thier siblings and the impact they may and are having on them. You should be proud of your children, but continue to ask them the tough questions and remind them of the challenges they recieved here to love each other, and everyone.
Well we are on our way home tommorrow after lunch so we will be home about 1:00-1:30 so you can pick up your tired, and inspired children then! We cant wait to see you and your kids cant either. Here are the pictures for today!
Au Revior (Thats Goodbye in french!)
Cole, Lindsey, Amber, Josh, Michaela, Hannah, Hannah, Sammie, Carly, Catherine and Shelby.

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