Saturday, June 20, 2009

CDYC Jr. High Day 1

Well here we are. We all 12 made it safely to CDYC 2009 and have completed our first day! The day was filled with all sorts of fun and events, from the inflatable games to dodgeball to the first experience with the cafeteria everything was new to most and a good time.
We started out with the morning session and they introduced the the "Unleashed" theme based off of Hebrews 12:2. We got a run down of the rules and off we went, lunch was great the kids have everything from spaghetti, to Josh's drink concauction which consisted of diet Mountain dew, Mountain dew, Sprite, Tropicana Melon, Lemonade, and anything else citrusy. But don't worry they all finsihed thier meals off with a healthy (okay, heaping) dose of ice cream, and josh even found a way to work that into his drinks (he was pretty entertaining to all today).
We are looking forward to another good day tommorrow and we will have more pictures and information for you then. Enjoy the Pictures!
God Bless.Cole, Lindsey and Amber. And of Course the Kids.

1 comment:

  1. The pics show that everyone is having a great time. Keep having fun!
