Thursday, June 25, 2009

CDYC Sr. High Days 1 and 2

We hit the ground running! I dont think any of us were prepared for the packed schedule that we would be facing the first couple days of Sr. High CDYC! We had a very packed bus ride on the way to IWU and we watched the tempature rise 1 degree every 9 minutes on the way down, and just so you know how hott it was, when we got to IWU the bus tempature was 91 degrees! The kids took it well though, our kids sat in the back of the bus and played "Apples To Apples" the entire way while the students from fellowship filled the front of the bus.

Once we arrived, we unpacked all of our items and took them to our dorms and then sat down and ate our supper which was a piece of home, 5 dollar Little Ceasers pizzas. We didnt have much time though because the girls had to be at a basketball game immediately after supper, and then we had to be at our opening session, man was it busy.

Day 2 was much of the same if not more busy, the girls finished playing basketball they lost unfortunately and we then spent from 1 to 6 out in the hot sun watching Ivan play soccer, his team finished 3rd! Go Ivan!

After Ivan finished his games we all went to the dinning commons together to have supper together (you would not believe the unity with this group) and they had pork chops, and all kinds of good stuff! After supper we had session which was really awesome, the band was rocking and the speaker is a very serious get to the point kind of guy (which our kids enjoy) and got them thinking alot. After session we had our group meeting and we talked about what would happen if we changed our lives from God being a part of lives, to our lives being a part of God, what a conversation. The kids are soaking in so much, and they are loving being here. Thanks for all your prayers, and continue to pray hard for our students, they are getting it! God is working! Let us continue to pettition God on thier behalves. Well it has been very busy and we are very tired, so bon voyage! (is that how ya spell that?) Later!

Cole, Lindsey, Amber and the Students!

P.S. The internet connection is not that great in our new location so i am not able to upload photo's this time, but i will when we get back, Check back often!

1 comment:

  1. my team got 2ND thank you very much!
    and i scored 7 goals!
    just wanted to clarify! :P
