Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Listen...Carefully (Romans 2:12-16)

What a blessing it is to live in the country, society and culture we do. We are blessed with so many freedoms, so many rights, and access to information and products that have never before been so easily accessible. I was listening to a song on K-105 (I love country) and in it the singer mentioned that he was on a business video conference with another company... in CHINA. We all take for granted the ease of access we have to just about everything, or at least I am convinced that I do, and you know what else we take for granted? Access to the laws and precepts of heavenly father, he has given us a book that tells us quite clearly how he wants us to live our lives and things we should and should not do, we are blessed, tonight we are looking at Romans 2:12-16 and are going to be talking about the responsibility that comes with have the Bible and readily available access to it, and what that means for those who don't have access, or have never heard the laws and precepts of the Bible. Paul makes the answer clear in his writing and we will uncover the answer to and be asking many more questions tonight.

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