Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dead Man Walking

Have any miracles happened in your life? Take a moment and think about that, when and what was the last miraculous thing that has happened to you? I encourage you parents to share this with your students, and students, share this with your parents, and we will talk about it tonight. There are two very different aspects to our God, first He is our very personal, very close intimate savior, who lives within us, who guides us, directs us, and gives purpose to our lives, but on the other hand, God is huge, and able to do things outside the realm of our thinking. This is what we are going to be talking about tonight, the difference between the way God works, and the way we think He should work because of our limited perspective, and God shows us this through His miracles. Suppose your dog Betsy was sick, and you knew if you didn't get her to a vet now she was going to die, so you call the vet, and explain frantically that Betsy is dying and needs your help, the vet calmly responds, i have an opening a week from today, we can squeeze her in then..."you don't understand" you reply, "Betsy is going to be dead in hours if she doesn't see you now", the vet replies "well just bring her in, in a week and we will get her taken care of." you hang up, hours later, Betsy dies, hopeless now, Betsy is gone. A week goes by, and in spite you take Betsy's dead body to the vet and set it on the table, "she's dead because you wouldn't listen." You walk out, head to the car, and moments later Betsy is jumping on your side ready to go home and play, and you have no idea what has just happened, and don't know what to tell the vet, but an embarrassed, confused, "thanks."
Jesus works much in this manner, out of the box, out of the world. He is able to work even death to the glory of his father, tonight we will read a story similar to Betsy's' and explore what the purpose of such a miracle is, its going to be good. Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Student Speaker

On Ocassion we like to mix it up and allow the students to teach one another and lead discussion (with a little help of course) and tonight is one of those nights. Ryan Pruitt is a student who has been faithfully attending our group meetings and is definately a student of the gospel. He and I will be working through his lesson and he will talk to the students about what he learned in his study and discussion with me. Its a great time for everyone the students really get involved and ask alot of questions when one of thier fellow students lead the discussion and it can get pretty heated sometimes (in a good way, the students fighting out what thier faith really is). So pray for Ryan today and tonight as he prepares and teaches his lesson and leads discussion with the students.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Listen...Carefully (Romans 2:12-16)

What a blessing it is to live in the country, society and culture we do. We are blessed with so many freedoms, so many rights, and access to information and products that have never before been so easily accessible. I was listening to a song on K-105 (I love country) and in it the singer mentioned that he was on a business video conference with another company... in CHINA. We all take for granted the ease of access we have to just about everything, or at least I am convinced that I do, and you know what else we take for granted? Access to the laws and precepts of heavenly father, he has given us a book that tells us quite clearly how he wants us to live our lives and things we should and should not do, we are blessed, tonight we are looking at Romans 2:12-16 and are going to be talking about the responsibility that comes with have the Bible and readily available access to it, and what that means for those who don't have access, or have never heard the laws and precepts of the Bible. Paul makes the answer clear in his writing and we will uncover the answer to and be asking many more questions tonight.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back To Romans

Do you remember what the major event was in 2004? I Guess that's questionable isn't it, there was the Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction courtesy of Janet Jackson, "The Passion of the Christ" was released, Randy Johnson Pitched a perfect game for the Diamond Backs, George Bush won the Presidential election, but arguably the most globally significant event that took place was the earthquake and tsunami that hit the coast of India, do you remember that?

The earthquake was a magnitude 9.2 the largest ever recorded, the entire world shook .4 inches, almost a half an inch isn't that crazy? Followed by the devastating tsunami that killed nearly 230,000 people, all in a matter of hours. It took the entire world and $7billion dollars to recover from that event.

I was watching videos of the tsunami and there were people who acted several ways, some just stood on the beach and watch the awe and miracle of nature happen, as the tide went out, and then they saw the huge wave coming from miles away but just stood there, in awe and shock until it was too late to move, because they couldn't out run it. Others mostly natives saw what was going on and ran, like crazy, to get somewhere safe, they had seen a tsunami before and understood the power and danger that it carried and wanted to do nothing but find safety. And still another group of people sat in their homes or walked on their streets, shopped, talked, completely unaware of the danger that was heading their way, they never saw it coming. The impartial tsunami took everyone and everything in its path regardless of age, race, religion, social standing, or political power, it took everything and everyone.

My stomach turns thinking about that cold situation, and I grow really uneasy thinking about what if were there, what if it were me? I'm not special, I would have died just like the rest, the judgement of the tsunami, was so impartial.

Tonight at youth group we are going to be talking about the impartiality of the judgement of God, in Romans 2: 6-11. We will talk about how Gods judgement is for everyone, and regardless of how much good we do, we can never do enough. If we say we follow the law, then we are judged by the law which we cannot stand under, if we are not under the law, we are still going to be judged by the law which we could not stand under even if we wanted to. This brings us to a very grim situation doesn't it? Having to do something perfectly that we don't have the capability of doing yet never the less we fall victim to the impartiality of Gods judgement, and no matter who we are or where we are from we have all fallen victim to the reign of sin. Although we have to work our way towards it, we know that lurking in the light not too far ahead, is one with the power to stop the storm, calm the waters, and though he cant curb the judgement of God, he died so that we may be perfect in front of Him.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Parable of The Hidden Treasure

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
Matthew 13:44

How much is the Kingdom of Heaven worth? Tonight we answered that question as we talked through what exactly a parable is (A story that reveals something formerly unknown about Heaven or God) and what the truth behind the parable of the hidden treasure is. The students were able to talk through first of all who the parable was referring to, is it speaking of the price Jesus had to pay for us by being crucified? or is it speaking to the superlative value of Heaven and the fact that it is worth far more than we could ever sacrifice. So the question is what is it that we have that we can or need to sacrifice? Maybe its our time, Josh said that he needed to sacrifice some of his time to be in prayer. The other students also made the practical applications to their own lives as to what it is that they have that they would be willing to sacrifice for the Kingdom of Heaven. So what is the Kingdom of Heaven worth to you? Is it worth everything? It is worth anything? Let your life be a living sacrifice demonstrating to all what the Kingdom of Heaven is worth sacrificing, because after all, no matter how you look at it, its a good deal!