Thursday, February 4, 2010

Christian Father Faces Jail for Taking Daughter to Church


I read this article today on the Missionary Church's News Letter, maybe you have already heard about the story. Here is the link to it ( ).

Im interested in your thoughts on the story, and thought you my be interested in checking out as well, it is a story that really gets you thinking. The first thought that came into my mind was how a judge could do something so blatantly unconstitutional and get away with it, lets hope the judge doesn't. Nevertheless it does bring to the surface how the United States in so many ways is becoming more and more a country of freedom of relegion, except for Christianity. I am sure you all have many stories like this one where an injust act has occured against a Christian, simply for being a Christian. We should be thankful everyday that God has given us the freedom to worship and glorify Him without persecution, because it seems that someday we may not have that same oppourtunity.