Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Who Did He Say He Is?

Tonight we are going to be looking at who Christ said he was himself. It is important to look at Christ view of himself so we know how we should look at him, did Jesus ever claim that he was the 'Messiah'? Did anyone else ever claim that Christ was the 'Messiah'? If Christ did or did not make these claims what does that mean for us today? These are the kind of things we will be looking at tonight in the High School version of Amplfied Youth Group.

Jr. Highers, have you ever been knocked down by someone (not literally) so that they could get something they wanted? Have you ever trampled on or used someone to get what you wanted? Why do we do that? Well if you come tonight that is exactly what you will find out, talk about it at home, a time when you really wanted something so bad, you would do whatever it took to get it, come ready to share that story! Cant wait to see everyone.