Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Love and Sacrifice

What is "love" and what does it mean to "sacrifice"? What is Sacrifice? Yesterday I ate macaroni and cheese for lunch instead of the sandwich I wanted because that is what Lindsey wanted, is that sacrifice? I also hear about the countless soldiers who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan for our freedom in the United States, is that sacrifice? Tonight we are going to be talking about love sacrifice and Resurrection, which is a word, you might look at. Come tonight for more, and find out about the love Sacrifice and Resurrection of Christ.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Broken Arms And Broken Rules

I remember one day when I was in elementary, maybe 2nd or 3rd grade, we were loaded on the bus getting ready to pull out to start the route which would take us home. We always passed all the other buses waiting to pull out and we would see all of our friends on the other buses getting ready to go their separate ways and we would wave and make faces at them and all kinds of crazy stuff. There was one day that I remember particularly well we were doing just those things only one of my friends was waving at me with his middle finger stuck i waved back. Apparently there is something wrong with waving at your friends on another bus with your middle finger up, I had no idea, the bus driver did, the principal did, and worst of all my grandmother did, but I didn't. So I got in trouble. First trip to the principals office and when he asked me if i knew what i did, I knew I did something on the bus I wasn't supposed to cause the bus driver yelled at me, but beyond that, I was just scared and confused. Well the story could go on, my family still laughs at me about it, it was an innocent wave, but big trouble, and none-the-less a rule was broken.

Jesus Broke Rules. Some rules are just not good rules, and Jesus Broke them, he asked the question "Which is lawful on the Sabbath (day of rest): to do good or to do evil, to save a life or to destroy it?" Immediately afterwards he broke a rule. So if Jesus can break rules....cant we? talk about the with your family, what rules are okay to break, and not to break, and we will discuss this further tonight at group. Cant wait to see you all!