Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bowling And Putt-Putt

Here are some pictures of our bowling and putt-putt trip! It was a great time, and it was nice to get to know those who spent time with us for the first time! Hope you all enjoyed it and got to know one another a little better! Lets not forget we do these types of events so that we can share the good news of Christ with our friends. Always be thinking about the people around who are not blessed with living life with Christ and do everything you can to see that they develop a relationship with him. It was a good time, thanks to everyone for coming and hanging out with us!


Prayer Requests From Wednesday 2.18.09

Hey Guys,
Here are the prayer requests from last Wed. Lets be sure and lift our brothers and sisters in Christ up to the lord. Those of you in morning Sunday school should remember this verse.

"Until now you have not asked for anything in my name, ask and it will be given and your joy shall be made complete."
John 16:24

Pray in Christ's name for these things so our joy may be made complete!

Jordan and Ivan Driving safely to Michigan and back

Zach and Josh, Prayer for School

Damon, Pray for balance in his life and schedule

Sarah, Got her wisdom teeth pulled friday!

Amber, pray for balance between school and her other time.

Komets Game March 27th 2009 7:30pm

This month for our outreach event we will be going to a Fort Wayne Komets game. Cost will be $8 and we will be taking the bus. Be sure to invite your friends, this is a great time to bring them along and introduce them to the group as well as introduce them to a Biblical way of life! Save the Date!



C.D.Y.C. Is quickly approaching and it is time to start thinking about it! Start saving so you can join us for a fun filled week of spiritual renewel. Here are some of the general details about C.D.Y.C. 2009. Keep your eyes and ears open for more information on registration deadlines and when your money is due!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Putt-Putt and Bowling

Today (Friday February 20th, 2009) We will be going to play putt-putt, at the dome on Engle Road, and then heading to the bowling alley, to do some bowling. $5 for putt-putt, $10 for bowling, and we will be back around 10:30. Meet at the bus in the church parking lot at 5:45. Hope to see you all there!

Event Registration/Permission Slip

Hey Guys,

Here is the permission slip you need to attend all of the amplified events. You cant print it out and bring it with you if you loose the others.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Night Hawk Is Back!

For Those of you who are interested, The night hawk trailer.

A big thanks to all the students who helped out with the valentines dinner! You all did a great Job and helped raise alot of money! You're all great!
The Studs (Zach and Ivan)
The Ladies (Andrea, Sarah, Ashley)

The Students

FMC'S Quiz Team (Zach, Catherine, Josh)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Beating the Clock

Continue to think about the breavity of your lives. Always be thinking of the moment you are in, enjoy it savor it and think about how you can use it to glorify God. Continue to watch your actions and check your hearts to make sure that you truly are "believing" in Christ, not because you say so but because your actions do. If you die tommorrow, where will you wind up? There are only two options, take a very serious and close look at your life, I am here to talk if you ever need me.

Hey Guys!

Welcome to the amplified blog page. We are going to use this blog page to keep you updated on whats going on with youth group as well as to share prayer requests and all sorts of other good stuff. Keep checking back to see whats going on and how you can be praying for and helping out your fellow youths!

Cant wait to see all of you tonight as we continue to talk about "time" tonight we will be disscussing "beating the clock" hope to see you there!
God Bless all of you.